I'm digging the style.
I'm digging the style.
Very cute
Cool cat
Ill take your finest dew.
Comin right up
This is freakin cool.
Thanks fam! :D I had a lot of fun drawing him up!
This looks cool.
The legend
the man himself
This is perfect.
I'm glad you think so, there's really not anymore I can say about this than what I have already. I don't remember if I found this funny, or hoped if someone else would see the humor in it.
He may be PISSED but I like the looks of this King!
Probably yelling about how his replacement boot ruined his color coordination and he can't be seen fighting with out proper gear.
Totally a cringelord fighting for the balance, also stale meme enjoyer, ALSO ALSO check out my favs they are all epic. One day ill make some epic art but until then expect doo doo feces from me. :D
Desert Goblin
Trash Man Aqua
No where
Joined on 1/17/21